We acknowledge and pay respects to the Native Americans and the Sacred Hoop. We also pay respects and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land where the retreat sits; the Gundungurra People, and their elders past, present, and emerging.

Thank you for your ongoing support and guidance.

A Medicine Wheel is a powerful symbol for healing! The structure represents our soul’s journey through life. It has been used repeatedly as a metaphor for a holistic approach to healing, because it partially represents the four main aspects of the human experience; the spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental, along with our connection to Mother Earth and Father Sky, and of course Great Spirit.

Because our practice involves addressing all of these directions, the Medicine Wheel is the perfect representation of what we do.

Found mainly in the northwestern part of North America, Medicine Wheels were believed traditionally to have been used as ‘Rites of Passage’ whereby a series of ‘Vision quest ceremonies’ would be led by Elders of a native community to assist a tribal member to find their life purpose, through fasting and prayer and to invite visions of guidance and clarity.

If you would like to explore more about  Medicine Wheels beyond our healing space there are ample resources online on the history. If you would like to connect personally to find out more, please feel free to contact us.

CONTACT: Kane 0412 427 960 / Me Len 0416 968 499
Hanging Rock, Sutton Forest NSW 2577

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