Discover Wellness and Reconnection at our Eco-Friendly Retreat

Nestled in the serene and picturesque Southern Highlands, just a 90-minute drive from Sydney and under two hours from Canberra, our newly relocated self-care retreat invites you to immerse yourself in an eco-friendly sanctuary. With a number of retreat programs to help you  rediscover your true nature, and to share this self-exploration with a warm community, you will walk away feeling like you’ve just come home.

Inner Peace Retreat

3-Night Retreat Program

Discover Wellness and Reconnection at the Medicine Wheel Self-Care Retreat

Post-holiday rejuvenation and get clear for the New Year

Join us!  January 3rd – 6th, 2024

ARRIVAL TIME: Friday 12pm

3-Night Accommodation Retreat $600
36-Hour Water Fasting and Light Food

Developing Intuition

2-Night Retreat Program

Build trust in your inner voice to navigate life’s challenges, and have confidence in you

Join Kane Puna! January 10th -13th

ARRIVAL TIME: Friday 4-7pm

Retreat 2-Night Stay
Includes meals $650 per couple

Join Us in Our Southern Highlands Wellness Retreat

At our Eco-Friendly Self-Care Retreat, we are dedicated to providing you with a space that not only promotes wellness and connection with nature but also fosters personal growth and understanding. We invite you to experience the tranquility and transformative power of our retreat in the Southern Highlands.

CONTACT: Kane 0412 427 960 / Me Len 0416 968 499
Hanging Rock, Sutton Forest NSW 2577

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